
Lennon Lives On - Ends 3/17/25

  • Regular price $29.00

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On February 17, 2025, Lennon Kaye Sammons jumped into Jesus’s arms. She was a social butterfly who was full of giggles and never knew a bad day or a stranger. She loved to spend her free time cuddling with her parents, petting her animals, and watching her favorite show “Dancing Fruit.” Lennon made everyone who she met in the world a little brighter and her laughter made the world sound a little sweeter.

She will be forever missed and always spoken about. Lennon’s impact was special and influenced others hearts, perspective, and outlook for the better. Though only getting to spend 6 months with her, the impact she got to make on four other families and their babies is a gift that made her a superhero and will last forever. Lennon donated her big, sweet heart, along with three other major organs to four different children around the country. Because of her gifts four families get to hug their babies a little tighter, and so much longer. Somewhere out there, her big sweet heart is still beating and that is what will carry her friends and family through the days to come. 

In support of her strong parents, all proceeds from this t-shirt fundraiser will go towards finances as they mourn their sweet baby. 

Use code FREEPICKUP at checkout to forgo shipping and pick up at Catalyst Promotions after production is complete at 21065 Hwy 80 East  Statesboro, GA.  30461

Product Spec Sheet: 

1717 Comfort Colors Heavyweight Ring Spun Tee: Click Here!

9018 Comfort Colors Youth Heavyweight Ring Spun Tee: Click Here!

Lennon Lives On - Ends 3/17/25 - 4XL
