Like so many big ideas, it all began with one simple request.
It was just a normal day at our old office in small-town Brooklet, GA. We were processing orders, calling customers, and helping the UPS guy. A young girl walked in and asked if she could buy a few t-shirts; she wanted to sell them to help her younger sister who had a rare heart condition. She planned to go around and sell the shirts to her friends in her High School, to help as much as she could. The next day we had a college student call us and ask if we could help design her a t-shirt to help her raise money. She was feeling a divine call to invest her life in an orphanage in Uganda.
That’s when we began to ask ourselves… "What if…"
What if we had a way to help the young girl sell more shirts for her sister with no risk?
What if we could do more than design the second girl a shirt and help her promote her call to serve boys and girls in Africa?
What if we had a way to help these girls and others with similar needs?
We all put our heads together and, after much thought, research and development, Helpful Tees was born. We are so excited to be able to use something that we know well, t-shirts, to help our customers promote and support people and causes they believe in. T-Shirts and other apparel are some of the best ways to raise money and awareness for worthy causes.